Well, we are three quarters through the weekend already and what have we to show for it?
In my case a deficit of sleep, as I foolishly didn’t capitalise on my Saturday sleep'in (got woke by the kids at seven, never got back off to sleep, thanks in no part to the urge to pee furiously), a greater appreciation of Duke Ellington and Count Basie and a huge amount of ambiguous feelings about Benny Goodman, thanks to a great documentary about Swing which was shown on BBC 3 ages ago, which I have only just caught up with tonight after half a bottle of wine, two gins and a rather large whiskey. Scunthorpe.
How about you? Answers on a postcard. The comments facility will cost less.
However, what you guys really want to know is what are the guidelines and rules for getting something in the Vol 2 of “I’m Afraid...” (I hope). Well, they are fairly simple:
· We have six A5/zine pages of space for guest material.
· Two of them are going to go to a guest of our choosing. This is not because we are elitist and/or want to get stuff written by our mates. We just want publish stuff written by people we admire and like and if we continue to churn these zines out it will be a reoccurring thing. That is if they will write something for us. If they don’t, it could be quite embarrassing. I might have to do a Phil Spectator.
· That leaves four A5/zine pages worth of space which you guys can send in stuff for. What we are looking for is content which is edgy, unsettling, maybe even funny or satirical. The main thing is that it has a similar tone to the stuff that was in Vol 1. For reference, get a copy of Vol 1 of “I’m Afraid...” Buy one or borrow. Preferably buy. Please.
· We are looking for poetry, short stories, art and even articles/essays, whatever floats your boat and twists our melons.
· Please keep any contributions short e.g. short stories of no more than 400-500 words.
· The deadline for contributions will be the 5th November, so there is plenty of time.
· All guest contributions should be e-mailed to me at michael.t.hann@googlemail.com.
Now for inspiration.
I am currently writing my first novel (shameless plug alert) and have just drafted the first instalment/story (it’s a collection of five interconnected stories, set in the seedy underworld of the North East). All through the writing of this particular story I couldn’t stop playing Antony and Johnsons, particularly the break through second album, “I am a Bird Now”.
Its themes of romance, doomed loved, personal and sexual transformation have heavily informed this particular piece of work of mine. I hope what I write scrapes its coat tails.
Below is a link to the album in spotify. In my opinion, it is one of best of all time (there are a few niggles, I don't really like the guest led stuff). If you haven’t listened to it give it a whirl. If you have, when did you last do so? Probably too long.
Also, strategically placed below is a link to the video for Antony’s latest EP. Apparently the album is out soon. Expectation hangs heavy in the air in the Hann household.
As for the zine, it is very much a bud at the mo, waiting for invigoration.
Next week we have a meeting to discuss the art and a few surprises. Keep an eye out and we’ll reveal all, on the QT.
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